
John Hughes, Agent

Ohio Real Estate Pros


John was born in Long Island, NY on June 1st, 1976 and is now a proud resident of Knox County, Ohio. He relocated with his wife and 4 children from Blacklick, Ohio in 2013 and has never looked back! Since then, their daughter was married and they are now enjoying their first grandchild!

John is a 23-year Pre-Qualified State of Ohio Right of Way Acquisition and Relocation Assistance Specialist. He became a realtor in 2002 and passed the Ohio Brokers exam in 2019. John's experience in Real Estate is unique, but he shares the same passion for the collection of knowledge and development of understanding the different facets, while increasing the ability to communicate all to the client effectively. John believes through his experience, that success in real estate is driven from the depth of knowledge one assembles as with any effort of genuine enjoyment that we get to term work! He says all the time, "I eat, breath and live real estate" and that is by no stretch an understatement.

With 3 boys at home, they like things that go boom and go vroom, which outlines their free time activities best. John is also an avid golfer and loves spending his free time with his wife and children.

John Hughes, Agent Properties:

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